Biography (Young Adult)
Molly Bang. Nobody Particular [Chasing Ray Review]
Lynda Barry. One Hundred Demons [Propernoun Review]
Cylin Busby and John Busby. The Year We Disappeared: A Father-Daughter Memoir [Abby the Librarian]
Joan Dash (ill. Dusan Petricic). A Dangerous Engine: Benjamin Franklin from Scientist to Diplomat [Fuse #8 Review]
Candace Fleming. The Great and Only Barnum: The Tremendous, Stupendous Life of Showman P.T. Barnum [Fuse #8 Review]
Bethany Hamilton. soul surfer [A Chair, a Fireplace, and a Tea Cozy Review]
Margarita Engle. The Poet Slave of Cuba: The Biography of Juan Francisco Manzano [Chasing Ray Review] (Another Review)
Margarita Engle. The Poet Slave of Cuba: The Biography of Juan Francisco Manzano [Fuse #8 Review]
Deborah Heiligman. Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith [Abby the Librarian Review]
Zoe Trope. Please Don’t Kill the Freshman [Propernoun Review]
Valerie Zenatti. When I Was a Soldier [Propernoun Review]
Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith, by Deborah Heiligman [Abby the Librarian Review]
A Dangerous Engine: Benjamin Franklin from Scientist to Diplomat, by Joan Dash (ill. Dusan Petricic) [Fuse #8 Review]
The Great and Only Barnum: The Tremendous, Stupendous Life of Showman P.T. Barnum, by Candace Fleming [Fuse #8 Review]
Nobody Particular, by Molly Bang [Chasing Ray Review]
One Hundred Demons, by Lynda Barry [Propernoun Review]
Please Don’t Kill the Freshman, by Zoe Trope [Propernoun Review]
The Poet Slave of Cuba: The Biography of Juan Francisco Manzano, by Margarita Engle [Chasing Ray Review] (Another Review)
The Poet Slave of Cuba: The Biography of Juan Francisco Manzano, by Margarita Engle [Fuse #8 Review]
soul surfer, by Bethany Hamilton [A Chair, a Fireplace, and a Tea Cozy Review]
When I Was a Soldier by Valerie Zenatti [Propernoun Review]
The Year We Disappeared: A Father-Daughter Memoir, by Cylin Busby and John Busby [Abby the Librarian Review]
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