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Graphic Novels

Page history last edited by Paul Goldschmidt 8 years, 7 months ago

Graphic Novels (Young Adult)





Nick Abadzis. Laika [Fuse #8 Review]

Jessica Abel, Gabe Soria, and Warren Pleece. Life Sucks [Fuse #8 Review]

David Almond (ill. Dave McKean) The Savage [Fuse #8 Review]

Cecil Castellucci (ill. Jim Rugg). The Plain Janes [Big A little a Review]

Cecil Castellucci (ill. Jim Rugg). The Plain Janes [Fuse #8 Review]

Saul Griffith and Joost Bonsen. (ill. Nick Dragotta) Howtoons: The Possibilities are Endless [Fuse #8 Review]

Christine Mari Inzer. Halfway Home [Fuse #8 Review]

Hope Larson. Chiggers [Fuse #8 Review]

Hope Larson. Gray Horses [Fuse #8 Review]

Lat. Kampung Boy [Fuse #8 Review]

Lat. Town Boy [Fuse #8 Review]

Linda Medley. Castle Waiting [A Chair, a Fireplace, and a Tea Cozy Review]

Linda Medley. Castle Waiting [Bookwyrm Chrysalis Review]

Mark Masterson. Dorothy Vol. I [Chasing Ray Review]

Leland Myrick. Missouri Boy [Fuse #8 Review]

Greg Neri (ill. Randy DuBurke). Yummy: The Last Days of a Southside Shorty [Fuse #8 Review]

Cyril Pedrosa. Three Shadows [Fuse #8 Review]

John Porcellino. Thoreau at Walden [Fuse #8 Review]

Joann Sfar. Klezmer [Fuse #8 Review]

Joann Sfar (ill. Emmanuel Guibert). The Professor's Daughter [Fuse #8 Review]

Joann Sfar. Vampire Loves [Fuse #8 Review]

Jason Shiga. Meanwhile [Great Kid Books]

Shaun Tan. The Arrival [Fuse #8 Review]

Keiko Tobe. With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child (Vol. 1) [Fuse #8 Review]

Bryan Talbot. Alice in Sunderland: An Entertainment [Fuse #8 Review] 

Dasha Tolstikova. A Year Without Mom [Not Acting My Age Review]

Gene Yang. American Born Chinese [Fuse #8 Review]




Alice in Sunderland: An Entertainment, by Bryan Talbot [Fuse #8 Review]

American Born Chinese, by Gene Yang [Fuse #8 Review]

The Arrival, by Shaun Tan [Fuse #8 Review]

Castle Waiting, by Linda Medley [A Chair, a Fireplace, and a Tea Cozy Review]

Castle Waiting, by Linda Medley [Bookwyrm Chrysalis Review]

Chiggers, by Hope Larson [Fuse #8 Review]

Dorothy Vol. I, by Mark Masterson [Chasing Ray Review]

Gray Horses, by Hope Larson [Fuse #8 Review]

Halfway Home, by Christine Mari Inzer [Fuse #8 Review]

Howtoons: The Possibilities are Endless, Saul Griffith and Joost Bonsen. (ill. Nick Dragotta) [Fuse #8 Review]

Kampung Boy, by Lat [Fuse #8 Review]

Klezmer, by Joann Sfar [Fuse #8 Review]

Laika, by Nick Abadzis [Fuse #8 Review]

Life Sucks, by Jessica Abel, Gabe Soria, and Warren Pleece [Fuse #8 Review]

Meanwhile, by Jason Shiga [Great Kid Books]

Missouri Boy, by Leland Myrick [Fuse #8 Review]

The Plain Janes, by Cecil Castellucci (ill. Jim Rugg) [Big A little a Review]

The Plain Janes, by Cecil Castellucci (ill. Jim Rugg) [Fuse #8 Review]

The Professor's Daughter, Joann Sfar (ill. Emmanuel Guibert). [Fuse #8 Review]

The Savage, by David Almond (ill. Dave McKean) [Fuse #8 Review]

Thoreau at Walden, by John Porcellino [Fuse #8 Review]

Three Shadows, by Cyril Pedrosa [Fuse #8 Review]

Town Boy, by Lat [Fuse #8 Review]

Vampire Loves, by Joann Sfar [Fuse #8 Review]

With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child (Vol. 1), by Keiko Tobe  [Fuse #8 Review]

A Year Without Mom, by Dasha Tolstikova [Not Acting My Age Review]

Yummy: The Last Days of a Southside Shorty, by Greg Neri (ill. Randy DuBurke) [Fuse #8 Review]


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